Escargots like you've never seen 'm before!

The escargot remains a regular at many bistro menus and ... rightly so! Oozing with hot melted butter with that familiar bistro-scent of loads of garlic, the green of parsley, that – if they don't fly out of your ‘pince à escargot’ (those impossible tongs the French invented to tease foreigners) – is all part of the gastronomical experience. Especially if you serve the ones from Slow Escargot because their escargots are the ultimate! Really, you never saw them this beautiful! Try opening a can of the French produce and watch that horrifying heap of misery. Slow Escargot proved we can do much better in Holland! Oy! You Froggies! On peut faire ça beaucoup mieux que vous! Just give 'm a try!