Shiogakusha Ponzu300ml

Article number : 770795

Contains : 300ml

Origin : Japan

Shiogakusha Ponzu

Ponzu is a traditional, frequently used sauce made with various citrus fruits that feature heavily in Japanese cuisine. These are kabossu, daidai, sudachi and yuzu. Sometimes ordinary lemon is also used. Its manufacture is extremely traditional. Mirin is cooked together with rice vinegar, katsuobushi flakes and kombu. This mixture is then cooled and filtered, the juice of the citrus fruits added, and a dash of soy sauce. The name is derived from the Portuguese word for citrus orchard: pom (ar). Traditionally ponzu is used as a dipping sauce for sashimi and marinades.


Ponzu is a traditional, frequently used sauce made with various citrus fruits that feature heavily in Japanese cuisine.